What we do

  • Workshops

    We offer workshops in a range of different areas covering trauma, relationships and relating, engaging in tough conversations, and looking after ourselves and eachother while working on social change. We can look at how to develop and tailor workshops to suit different groups. Keep scrolling down for more info on what we offer…..

  • Facilitation

    Contact us if you are interested in facilitation or workshop development - we would love to hear about your ideas and what you need and see if it is something we could help with.

  • Social movement support

    If you work in social change and activist groups and want to collaborate on a workshop or your group needs some support through difficult times - send us a message to see if we can help. We know that activist work can be tough and that conflict and burnout are common challenges that can be difficult to overcome without support

Workshops we offer

Click on any to find out more…

How to Talk to Your Racist Uncle (Anti-racist conversations)

Compassionate conversations about the tough stuff 

Trauma-informed relationships - for those healing from trauma

Trauma-informed relationships- for those in relationship with trauma survivors 

How to talk to kids about sex

We are also working on other workshop ideas around sustainable activism, burnout and grief, and equitable relationship dynamics…. get in touch to chat.

Thanks for the excellent workshop on the weekend. I had a really challenging conversation yesterday that I was able to bring a lot more compassion to because of what I learned from you.

-Workshop Participant