Trauma-informed relationships workshop

Our childhoods and life experiences impact how we do relationships and we respond to and engage with intimacy. Sometimes, when we have experienced trauma, relationships can be especially hard, as we struggle to feel safe and trusting in ourselves and those we love. Because of this, we might develop patterns which perpetuate our struggles, and damage ourselves or our relationships. But relationships also have the potential to be powerful spaces of healing, renewal and safety, especially when we consciously co-develop them and are willing to explore our shared patterns. In these workshops we explore:

  • What is trauma and the role of relationships and safety in human development

  • Our trauma responses and related coping patterns and how and why they come up in, and impact, relationships

  • Some ideas and tools for cultivating safety in ourselves and in relationship

We have developed this workshop to be run for either those who identify as trauma survivors or those who come to the workshop through wanting to support someone they love who has experienced trauma. The content is tailored slightly differently for these two audiences, but we recognise that everyone brings their own learnt patterns to relationships, not just those who identify as survivors of trauma.

Email us to find out more or chat about running this or tailoring it for your group -